Welcome To West Of The 5th PatternMaking Ltd


Just a Little About My Background.

  I have been in the Pattern Making trade for 54 years. Which started in a very high quality Cast Iron Foundry in the North East of England.

   I qualified with The City and Guilds of London Institute in Foundry Pattern Making and The Northern Counties Certificate in Foundry Practice.

Throughout the years I have gained experience in many fields of the Casting Process and Pattern Making technology. Having worked in some of the best Foundries and Patternshops in Western Canada.

    I am able to work from your Engineering Drawings, Solid Models, Concept Sketches or Actual Samples ( reverse engineering )

  Currently I am using Solidworks for modeling and file manipulation. I also have a 3D printer that integrates with all the other equipment.

Presently, I am able to handle small to medium size jobs, in wood and/or plastics, depending on casting complexity and volume required.

    I have 2 small C.N.C. Routers that are utilized for many aspects of pattern construction.

     Most all other Pattern production techniques are carried out by hand, the way I was taught.

Hoping to be of service to you in the near future.

            Dave Booth